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Gardening Supplies
February Lawn Tasks
__Get soil tests to prepare for Spring lime and fertilizer applications. 2cups of soil from each area in question or a random combined sample can be taken to Clemson Ag Extension office at 259 Meeting St, the second floor of the Senior Citizens Center, Mon-Fri 8:00-4:00. $6.00 per sample. More information available at www.clemson.edu/extension/hgic.
__Calculate yard square footage of each area for how much lime/fertilizer/herbicide/insecticide you may need. Help with this can be found in our store or on the website for Clemson Cooperative Extension Home and Garden Information Center www.clemson.edu/extension/hgic.
__Plan your pre-emergent herbicide applications for 3rd or 4th week of this month. Scotts WeedEx (pendimethalin) should be applied at this time to well established lawns to prevent crabgrass, spurge, oxalis and other listed weeds. One 10 lb. bag treats 5000 sq ft. It should be applied to dry grass with a broadcast (we lend these) or drop spreader and watered in with approximately ¼ inch water. Remember not to overseed treated areas because pendamethalin prevents seed germination. Also do not rake or otherwise disturb soil bed as this would break the chemical barrier in the soil. Do not re-apply pendamethalin for at least 8 weeks. As always, be sure to read the label carefully and follow all directions. For extended crabgrass and broadleaf control, an application of Hi-Yield Turf & Ornamental Weed & Grass Stopper with Dimension may be applied 4-6 weeks later. Wait until at least mid March to start any fertilizer programs.
__Now is the time to prune most deciduous trees and shrubs. Crape myrtles, Chinese elms, Japanese maples, red maples and oaks could all benefit from a thoughtfully planned prune this month. Remove crossing and thin branches to allow for more light and air flow. Wait on spring flowering trees like purple leaf plums, cherries, redbuds and tulip (Japanese) magnolias until after they bloom. Summer flowering shrubs like roses, callicarpa, hibiscus and most grasses can be pruned this month. Some evergreens like ligustrum and hollies can be pruned between now and the first of April. Leave Spring flowering shrubs like azalea, spiraea, indian hawthorn and gardenias until after they have flowered. Wait until April to prune camellia, then fertilize them along with gardenia, azaleas and hollies with Holly-Tone. Do not hesitate to call Randy at 843-795-4570 in the store or e-mail at rhowie@hyamsgardencenter.com if you have questions.
Time for Pre-Emergent Application !
Hey Everyone! Fall 2023 is here! It is time to apply that pre-emergent! We have the Scotts Weed Ex that will cover 5000 square feet and the Hi-Yield Turf & Ornamental Weed & Grass Stopper that will cover 3500 square feet. The main difference between the two is that the Hi-Yield product is labeled to go over landscape beds as well. When it has cooled off enough, treat for any actively growing weeds with Weed Free Zone or Image selective herbicides. Do not put down any weed & feed products because your grass does not need any fertilizer this late in the season. We will have winter rye grass seed soon. Remember, if you are going to over-seed with rye you cannot put down a pre-emergent, it will keep the rye from germinating as well!
Time to apply Lawn Fertilizer
It is time to apply 15-0-15 Centipede Lawn Fertilizer. This works on all types of warm season grasses we grow, namely, St. Augustine, Centipede, Zoysia and Bermuda. This formulation will ease your grass into fully greening up. Once that happens, you can go after any weeds you may have. Please avoid using “Weed & Feed” products until your grass is fully greened up and actively growing. You can also put down any fungicides or insect controls to prevent problems you may have had last year. Feel free to email me at rhowie@hyamsgardencenter.com with any questions. Our phone lines have been overwhelmed with calls and may be hard to get through. (Randy Howie)