The use of ornamental planters and containers on decks, patios, porches and in the garden itself can add color, form, mass, texture, focal points, beauty and all the sensory elements to your garden. The shape, color and size of ceramic pots for indoor plants can add design to any interior. Hyams offers pots in every size, color, finish, and material. Such materials include: cast stone, ceramic, glazed, terracotta, plastic and fiberglass. We purchase our planters from the following companies:
- Campania International (www.campaniainternational.com)
- Al’s Garden Art (www.fiorestone.com)
- Massarelli (www.massarelli.com)
- Pacific Home & Garden (www.pacifichomegarden.com)
- Border Concepts (www.borderconcepts.com)
- The Pottery Patch (www.thepotterypatch.com)
- Alfresco Home (www.alfrescohome.com)
- The Pottery Market (www.potterymarket.com)
- Lotus International (www.lotus-intl.com)