Visit Hyams Garden Center for the best selection of trees in 5 to 30 gal. sizes. The following varieties are now available:
Japanese Maples (15 Varieties)
Red Maple
Mimosa (3 Varieties)
Red Bud (8 Varieties)
Fringe Tree
Harry Lauders Walking Stick
Ginko (3 Varieties)
Carpe Myrtle
Southern Magnolia (4 Varieties)
Sweet Bay Magnolia
Saucer Magnolia (8 Varieties)
Black Gum
Purple Leaf Plum
Black Locust Twisty Baby
Weeping Willow
Weeping and Regular Bald Cypress
Oaks (5 Varieties)
Holly Trees
Fruit Trees
Zelkova Tree
Elm Trees
Honey Locust Trees
Tulip Poplar Trees
Redwood Trees