Gardens Nurture Human Blooming as Well

‘Bio-philia hypotheses’ proposes that we humans are programmed to relax when we are in a natural setting. Driving around the countryside, taking a walk in a park, sitting on a bench and gazing at the water or green grass are said to have soothing effects on us. Our sympathetic nervous system powers down and parasympathetic nervous system powers up, our heart rates slows, our muscles relax, our blood vessels dilate and our blood pressure falls. Gardens are places where not only flowers bloom but we humans can bloom as well.
Life had its origin in a garden, life learned to overcome deceit and failure in a garden, hope of a better tomorrow was received in a garden and life was transformed in a garden. Creation, Redemption and Resurrection—all took place in a garden. A garden is the place where the drama of life constantly unfolds.
Let us plant gardens, take care of gardens and protect our natural environment. Let us partner with nature to nurture ourselves and those around us so that we become as beautiful, enchanting, fragrant and gracious as the flowers themselves are.