Add Fragrance to Your Home and Garden
If you are one of those people who enjoy stepping out into your yard and smelling the sweet scent of blooming plants, this is a post just for you!
First, here’s a rundown of just how your sniffer picks up those tantalizing aromas. Odors in the air are picked-up by the small hairs that reside in the nose and then converts them into electrical impulses that the brain can process.
There are over 10,000 different odors the brain recognizes; however, no two people recognize the exact same odor. Keep in mind when you visit Hyams Garden Center that even the weather can alter our sense of smell. The effects of fragrance has been shown to reduce anxiety, improve your physical performance, and act as aromatherapy.

There are a number of plants that produce a breathtaking aroma along with adding beautiful additions to your home and garden. These include: the Confederate Jasmine, the Tea Olive, Magnolias, Honeysuckle, Marigolds, Daphne, and the Gardenia. For a larger listing of fragrant flowers for your yard, visit the Hyams Garden Store!
George Hyams